Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Osage Orange Tree and Robin Hood

"...When early French settlers ventured west of the Mississippi River, into what is now eastern Texas and Oklahoma and Western Arkansas, they encountered the Osage Indians, who were known far and wide for making bows that were superior weapons for fighting and hunting. The unusual tree that the Osage used for making their bows was unknown to the French, who promptly dubbed it bois d'arc, or "wood of the bow." Later pioneers corrupted the name to bowdark and eventually came to call it bowwood...."   (excerpts taken from The Osage Orange Tree: Useful and Historically Significant. OSAGE ORANGE TREE
I've been learning about bow-making, as I observe King Ron, Robin Hood, begin making he second or third bow. 
I'm learning from PINTEREST , as well as watching!
Shhhhhh, I don't think Robin Hood has found this particular social network  YET, so it makes me look VERY INTELLIGENT.  Check this out----> ARROW&BOW BUILDING .

First the tree! 
Osage Orange Tree

Then split the logs:
The grain of this wood is beautiful!

Here is the man with a plan!

For those that may have missed Part 1 of Robin Hood and His Arrows, click HERE
His hand-made wooden bow is different. 
It's unique. 
It's one-of-a-kind. 
The end result is the same.
************TO BE CONTINUED! *************

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