Wednesday, January 13, 2021

January 13, 2021 RoanokeMtCampground ChestnutRidgeLoop

 Oh how I thank God that we live within walking distance of wooded areas and places to hike. 

During the past (which almost seems like forever) 10+ months, we have taken advantage of this little retreat! Our destination to the Roanoke Campground site, is reached by crossing over a spur of the Chestnut Ridge Trail. (within feets of reaching the top of our street!!!!)

The first post written about this haven was April 5, 2020 Read about here. Walking is not cancelled.

The importance of taking care of ourselves has never been more important!(physically and mentally). 

Today's 8200 fitbit steps of inhaling fresh hair was blissful!

The solitude of nature, at its best, renews my faith that "ALL IS WELL".
The area walkers/hikers are continuing to add a bit of spirit!

Here's to remaining vigilant and taking good care of yourself!
There's light at the end of the tunnel!


1 comment:

  1. Many times during the late 70s and through the 80s, I rode my horse over the Chestnut Ridge trail. Sometimes we picnicked at the campground. I miss those days!
