Saturday, November 11, 2023

Nov 11, 2023~Veterans Day Remembrances

 "Freedom is powerful. It is a gift to be thankful for and to treasure. For those who have protected our nation, for the men and women in uniform, together, we say THANK YOU." 

"Thank you to all our veterans for your courage, strength, and dedication to keeping us safe. We appreciate and honor you today and always!"
Meet Retired US Navy Captain Dr. Lee Anthony. A young 92 yr old gentleman, dressed in full uniform replica of his Father's WWI attire, I was immediately drawn to him. For reasons unknown (other than he reminded me of my Dad), our newly formed friendship was a sealed deal! He noticed me wearing the poppy pendant.
"Young Lady," he began, "Do you know the poem that goes with that pin?" Honestly, I was not sure, but he beamed as he told me the story. Then, standing proud, he recited John McCrae's poem IN FLANDERS FIELDS. With tears trickling down my face, I promised to memorize the poem (it was one of the most quoted poems from the WWI.) . 
I suspect I'll be seeing  Dr. Lee Anthony again sooooooon!

Dr Anthony's Grandson, Jared, and Great-grandson Andrew, accompanied him to the ceremony.

Prior to the program, Fort Lewis Chapter of the NSDAR members graciously gave out flags, and poppies to guests, family members, Veterans, neighbors,and friends.

The Veterans Day Program started at precisely 11:00AM, 11/11/2023, at Argonne Circle, King George Ave, Old Southwest Roanoke, VA. 

The old tattered flag at Argonne Circle was retired and properly folded. A new American Flag was posted.

My heart was full, witnessing everyone in attendance take part in the program (the Pledge of Allegiance, the Invocation, singing the Star-Spangled Banner, and of course, our guest speaker, Dr. Lee Anthony)

Members, guests, Veterans, placed poppies on the wreath as an act of honoring and remembrance of their special Veteran(s). What an emotional part of the program! 
Yes, indeed, I placed a poppy on that wreath for my Dad, and my Uncle.
A time of fellowship followed the program. 

Thank you DAR sisters! You made this ceremony 'A day to remember and ponder'.

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