Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024~ CampPaPaKK with WPH and Salem Red Sox Game


The day started out early at Camp PapaKK with rounds of cap gun shooting, bows and arrow target practice, and drive by visits from friends. 

A few hours later, and our camper remains in the driveway.....waiting on tomato thieves!😂😂😂
The evening ended with dinner before attending the Salem Red Sox game!

You know, baseball is as American as apple pie! And oh that song.........🎶Take Me Out To The Ballgame🎶. Friday night's game was the ideal excuse to get outside(after such a grueling hot week). 

****some of the photos were 'borrowed' from family****

Hurray for the big win⚾⚾⚾, the fabulous fireworks, people watching, pretzel and popcorn consumption, and spending time with FAMILY!

Let's Play Ball!

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